Join us on Tuesday, March 28th, beginning at 6:30 PM for a virtual community meeting. Our speakers will be:
Officer Tyler Ostheim
Our Community Service Officer
Providing crime statistics for the month of March
Austin Peterson
Community Outreach, Florida Department of Transportation
Providing an update on the Howard Franklin Bridge
and Gateway Expressway Projects
Joe Waugh
Codes Compliance Director, City of St. Petersburg
Most common code violations for our area as well as a follow up to last month's speaker with consequences of performing unpermitted or improperly permitted work to your home.
Request from the Executive Committee: Please consider joining the Civic Association Board of Directors. We need people who can volunteer their time in order to improve our community and engage our neighbors. Your time and assistance are greatly needed.
Zoom Invite
Time: Mar 28, 2023, 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 0659 5349
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