Jennifer Bryla (Zoning Official, Development Review Manager) will discuss how the City manages requests for variances to codes, to include homeowner requests for land use variances. VIRTURAL MEETING PROTOCOL To ask a question, please raise your 'electronic hand' and the moderator will call your name to speak. We ask, for the sake of time and respect for others, that participants ask one question. If time allows, the moderator will let everyone know there is time for more questions and answers. THANK YOU!
Jennifer Bryla (Zoning Official, Development Review Manager) will discuss how the City manages requests for variances to codes, to include homeowner requests for land use variances.
To ask a question, please raise your 'electronic hand' and the moderator will call your name to speak. We ask, for the sake of time and respect for others, that participants ask one question. If time allows, the moderator will let everyone know there is time for more questions and answers.
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